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Western Classical Concerts - NCPA - Mumbai.

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#1 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 09:45
A Musical Tribute to India

The Leipzig Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Western Music Concert
Tata Theatre

Tue. 31st July & Wed. 1st Aug. - 7.00 pm
In collaboration with the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan and the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce.

The Leipzig Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra is an integral part of the music culture in the City of Leipzig and Germany. It was founded in 2001 by dedicated, young musicians. The Orchestra performs an extensive repertoire, ranging from baroque to contemporary. Internationally renowned soloists, regularly accompany the Orchestra. It performs frequently at the Leipzig Gewandhaus, Berlin Philharmonic, and the University of Leipzig. Each year, the orchestra prepares diverse and innovative concert programmes and tours worldwide.

Director and Conductor Dr. Michael Köhler studied orchestra conducting at the Berlin University of Music, after which he continued his studies in Munich and Paris. In addition, he wrote his thesis in musicology at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In 2000 he was given the title of Doctor Philosophiae. Dr. Köhler has participated in several music festivals in Berlin, New York, Copenhagen and Latin America. He has conducted numerous orchestras across Europe, Asia and Latin America. Equally at home in theatre, he has conducted operas in many German cities. In addition to his performing commitments, he devotes part of his time to teaching at the University in Leipzig.

Concertmaster Holger Engelhardt had his first violin lessons at the age of nine and was discovered at a violin competition in 1995 by Leipzig Professor Klaus Hertel, who thereafter continued to teach him. This was followed by major studies of the violin with Prof. Hertel in Leipzig. During his studies, he was a member of orchestras such as the Young European Philharmonics and the Bach Orchestra, and regularly gave solo performances. After graduating, he was engaged as a member with the Gewandhaus Orchestra. Holger Engelhardt is a founding member of the Leipzig Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra and joins Dr. Köhler in leading the orchestra’s artistic and organizational activities.


On 31st July: works by Mendelssohn, Brahms and Beethoven.
On 1st August: works by Bach, Mozart and Haydn.

Tickets: Rs.600/-, Rs.400/-, Rs.200/- and Rs.100/-.

Box Office: July 16 for Members and July 19 for the Public.
For further information visit
#2 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 16:32
New Delhi misses out on all the good things. BTW do they perform in Delhi also?
#3 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 16:51
Yes, its there in Delhi on 21st be happy Doc. .
Look at this site:
#4 erstellt: 11. Jul 2007, 17:38
Thanks Abhi !

Me-gambo khush huaa! Ha Ha Ha
#5 erstellt: 12. Jul 2007, 15:53

abhi.pani schrieb:
Yes, its there in Delhi on 21st be happy Doc. .
Look at this site:

Ashoka Hall.

Please do go for it & take Mr. Kamal & Viren for it too.
I would love to know how the experiance was. It will be a lovely evening.

Pure Acoustic - No PA [no mic - no pre amp - no mixer - no electrical cable as audio speaker cable - no speakers]

#6 erstellt: 12. Jul 2007, 18:40
Thanks Bhagwan !

It is on 21 July at 6:30 pm at The Ashoka Hotel. I am trying to arrange passes and would definitely take Kamal & Viren (if I get the passes).
#7 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 07:38
31st of July.
Mendelssohn: The Hebrides
Mendelssohn: Nocturno, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Brahms: Violin Concerto, Soloist: Holger Engelhardt.
Beethoven: Symphony No. 4

1st of August
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3
Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante KV 364. Soloist: Holger Engelhardt - Violin, Christian Beyer - Viola
Haydn: Symphony No. 102


Tickets :-

Rs. 400 for the 31st (Block D, Row H)
Rs. 600 for the 1st (Block C, Row E)

I look forward to it. My Tickets have come !!!
Thanks Switch It On !!!
#8 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 07:40

SDhawan schrieb:

It is on 21 July at 6:30 pm at The Ashoka Hotel. I am trying to arrange passes and would definitely take Kamal & Viren (if I get the passes).

I got my tickets;
Were you able to manage ?
#9 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 07:44

bhagwan69 schrieb:

SDhawan schrieb:

It is on 21 July at 6:30 pm at The Ashoka Hotel. I am trying to arrange passes and would definitely take Kamal & Viren (if I get the passes).

I got my tickets;
Were you able to manage ?

Where are the tickets available ? The website has no information about it yet...
Ist häufiger hier
#10 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 08:14
Hello to all Bangaloreans,
Western classical music comes calling to your city. All of you guys should meet up and go together. Its on the 27th and 28th of July at Chowdiah Hall. As Bhagwan69 has rightfully mentioned, an evening of live, direct, unamplified music can help us audiophiles gain a perspective on what music "really" sounds like and then take a step closer to achieving it at home. Cheers. Mumbai dates are the 31st of July and the 1st of August. Looking forward to it. Our season gets under way.
Ist häufiger hier
#11 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 08:26
Hello all,
The website mentioned on the programme brochure is Do check it out. Concerts are in Delhi-Pune-Bangalore-Mumbai and no need for accolades, Dear Bhagwan69. The pleasure is equally mine.
#12 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 08:29
Go to Chowdiah Hall & buy the tickets [Bangalore] i.e.

It cannot get simpler than that !!!

Chowdiah Memorial Hall (CMH), is a jewel in the crown of beautiful Bangalore. For the art and culture savvy Bangaloreans, watching shows in CMH provides a wonderful experience. The ultra modern hall is named after late T. Chowdiah, the violin maestro of national eminence and pride of Karnataka. That is why the hall has been constructed in a violin shape. It is centrally located in Bangalore. It is the brainchild of K K Murthy, a great lover of music and culture.

Chowdiah Memorial Hall,
Gayathri Devi Park Extension,
Vyalikaval, Bangalore-560 003.
Phone: 344 5610

Any more info ? Please do let me know, I shall try and help as far a possible.
But, please do attend the show.
#13 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 08:56
All Details that could be of any use are there on this picture.
Please do have a look.

#14 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 08:58
This is for ND

I sure hope it helps.
#15 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 09:12
Would this be a good experience for someone who isn't a big fan of western claasical/symphony?

Edit: Guess it would be a great idea:P Who all is going from mumbai? Have you booked tickets?

[Beitrag von zhopudey am 16. Jul 2007, 09:59 bearbeitet]
#16 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 11:56
Hi !

I just managed to get 2 passes. So we are going in a group of 4 - Kamal, Viren, my wife & me !!!

I'm a little sceptic about the acoustics of The Banquet Hall of Hotel Ashok. And I think that they would be using a PA system.
#17 erstellt: 16. Jul 2007, 20:03
Thanks Sanjay-you're a sweet guy!
#18 erstellt: 17. Jul 2007, 14:02

SDhawan schrieb:
Hi !

I just managed to get 2 passes. So we are going in a group of 4 - Kamal, Viren, my wife & me !!!

I'm a little sceptic about the acoustics of The Banquet Hall of Hotel Ashok. And I think that they would be using a PA system.

Hello Doc !

You must be kidding;
This is going to be a PA Performance !!
Don't tell me.
That will be such a let down.

Please do tell me how it was.

All the Best !!
#19 erstellt: 17. Jul 2007, 14:06

zhopudey schrieb:
Would this be a good experience for someone who isn't a big fan of western claasical/symphony?

Edit: Guess it would be a great idea:P Who all is going from mumbai? Have you booked tickets?

I will be going on both the days.

My tickets have been booked.
Seat numbers too are put up.
Rs. 400 for the 31st (Block D, Row H)
Rs. 600 for the 1st (Block C, Row E)
Just a reminder.
Many members will be there. I hope.
I know 6 audiophile that have got tickets already. If you are free Y willing you should try and experiance it.
It will be a great evening. Trust me !!
#20 erstellt: 22. Jul 2007, 05:24
Last evening Viren, Kamal & me attended the Delhi concert of Leipzing Philharmoniker. It was very good and fortunateluy without PA system. They played Mendelsson, Brahms, Beethoven & Strauss.

More details from Kamal & Viren.

So friends at Mumbai, Banglore & Pune - don't miss it.
#21 erstellt: 22. Jul 2007, 15:36

SDhawan schrieb:
It was very good and fortunateluy without PA system. They played Mendelsson, Brahms, Beethoven & Strauss.

Brilliant !!

Have you guys had the chance to attend any musical experiance without PA in the past ? So important to get an idea of how instrumenmts actually sound;

Like to hear about the experiance in detail.

[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 22. Jul 2007, 15:41 bearbeitet]
#22 erstellt: 22. Jul 2007, 16:54
Dear Bhagwan,

I have been fortunate to have attended concerts at the Hoffberg Palace, Vienna and recently 3 concerts at the Berlin Philharmonie. I have experienced the ultimate musical orgasm at least 4 times !
#23 erstellt: 23. Jul 2007, 10:07

SDhawan schrieb:

I have been fortunate to have attended concerts at the Hoffberg Palace, Vienna :L

Did you like the concerts @ Hoffberg ?
I was there 2 months back, but the experiance was very much a let down; I had gone with really high hopes, but the concert did not live up to my expectations.
Actually, the concerts in Munich [not very much known] were better & the ones in Budapest [Ivan Fischer] were simply breath taking - some of the best I have heard, I must say.

This is for all you mumbai members, please do try and get the tickets for this week end. Even if you are not a classical music listener, just to get a feel of what 'un-adultrated' sound is, it is a MUST !!
Serious recommendation.
Besides, I like the acoustics in Tata Theatre more than Jamshed Bhabha. Luckly the concert is in Tata Theatre, so it should be nice. Fingers are crossed.

Hope to meet some members @ the concert !!!
#24 erstellt: 23. Jul 2007, 10:37
The concert at Hoffber was the Hoffberg Philharmoniker playing Mozart & J Strauss. I really liked it. But Berliner Philharmonie were better.
#25 erstellt: 23. Jul 2007, 17:17
Well, all of us assembled at Sanjay's place & then drove to the Ashok, with not very high hopes abt the acoustics...
But we were very pleasantly surprised.
The Banquet hall is approx 100 ft square with a 15 ft ceiling ,wood panelled on all sides; the acoustics were great! From the tiniest note to the massive sound of an Orchestra in full cry...we heard it all.
We reached abt 1/2 hr early & found pretty good seats,just to the right of the centre row, & 15ft away from the orchestra.
This was my first experience of hearing a western classical orchestra & the experience was mind blowing!
Guys, words cannot describe what it is like hearing music live w/o amplification of any kind-It was even better than hearing music on Avalon Isis Spkrs!
Since there was no recording engineer to take pungas with the sonics, we experienced music in the raw, with the full dynamic range, from the plaintive notes of a single flute weaving a tapestry of a melody to the full orchestra taking up the melody full throated.
We forgot all thoughts of tight bass, tranparent midrange & airy highs, transient response/attack & were swept up in the glory of the music.
The experience was heightened by being one of a crowd of afficionados and seeing the passion of the musicians-I felt they were truly blessed with the opportunity of making music together & we the audience in participating in the experience.
The performance commenced with Mendelssohn-The Song of The Hebrides,a Violin Concerto by Brahms & then Symphony No. 4 by Beethoven.
In response to frenzied clapping by the audience, the Orchestra responded with a lively piece by Strauss & Brahms' Hungarian Dance in G Minor!
Friends Of The Forum, Pleeeaaassseee do not miss this chance of hearing a live performance by a reknowned Orchestra; it will be a well spent evening, I promise you!

[Beitrag von Kamal am 23. Jul 2007, 17:23 bearbeitet]
#26 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 03:18

SDhawan schrieb:
But Berliner Philharmonie were better.

Sir, you are a very very lucky man - that is the mecca for me. Some Day !!!

I really wish I can go there.
It is a dream for me !
Lucky You !!!
#27 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 03:25

Kamal schrieb:
words cannot describe what it is like hearing music live w/o amplification of any kind-It was even better than hearing music on Avalon Isis Spkrs!

Now, that is great !!! I am so happy to hear that;
Lovely. Welcome to the 'real world' !!!
What we all do at home is a 'joke'

BTW - I never knew you had auditioned the Isis -
Superb. You should write a seperate thread on that. I am so dying to hear that !!!
#28 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 03:30

Kamal schrieb:
Friends Of The Forum, Pleeeaaassseee do not miss this chance of hearing a live performance by a reknowned Orchestra; it will be a well spent evening, I promise you!

Exactly my words. This is a golden chance, we should try and make the most of it. It is almost free for us here in India [less than 10 euro's]. Besides the venue in Mumbai is great [acoustics i.e.].
I personally am really looking forward to a great week end. Hope we get a good performance. !!!
#29 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 12:52
Dear Kamal,
Now you realise what the whole deal is about, the idea of audio is capture that essence of the real thing in whatever small way it can. To bring time to a standstill and transport you the event or into the thought process of composer, player/s, musician, of which you unfortunately could not be a part of. In my very small experience of audio systems, only one setup I can say gave me to some degree the feel of the real thing, about 10%. The other setups were all audio games. My only wish is that you could hear the performance in a real concert hall. Do make the trip to Mumbai at the NCPA, it will be memorable for you.
Regards Deaf.
#30 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 13:34
Deaf I understand you perfectly-while this was the first western classical music concert that I have attended, I have had the pleasure of attending many Hindustani classical music concerts & some Baithaks too!
I have a pretty good audio system even if the name-ENBEE-is not too well known in the forum, but a live concert has a magic that no system howsoever sophisticated, can replicate.
#31 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 13:38

BTW - I never knew you had auditioned the Isis -
Superb. You should write a seperate thread on that. I am so dying to hear that !!!

Actually, they were okay shokay;
I thought that the Bose 901's(which you also have applauded) sounded better....
#32 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 14:02

Kamal schrieb:
Deaf I understand you perfectly-while this was the first western classical music concert that I have attended, I have had the pleasure of attending many Hindustani classical music concerts & some Baithaks too!
I have a pretty good audio system even if the name-ENBEE-is not too well known in the forum, but a live concert has a magic that no system howsoever sophisticated, can replicate.

Dear Kamal,
I mentioned capture the essence, I know it is nowhere close to the real thing.I know ENBEE, even met Mr.Nagra many years ago, he thought I was crazy.
Regards Deaf.
#33 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 16:15

even met Mr.Nagra many years ago, he thought I was crazy

Why did he think so?
My comment re live concerts vs playback systems was primarily because we tend to bench mark HiFi agnst live performances;the experience is so difft that there's really no point to it-in a live there are so many sensory inputs vs only the auditory one in playback; then, its onlyin live that one gets to relish the true timbre of the instruments,the natural balance of the notes and their intensity,we see the passion & ecstasy on the performers faces .
In a rock concert you experience the ear splitting dynamics, the sheer energy of the performers & the ecstatic response of the audience, you hear music while its being made!
Which playback system can give you all that?
Yet, one must have a decent system, so that you can savour performances of musicians who are no more, of events which one possibly cannot attend.
But, when an opportunity like this one presents itself, its a moral& musical duty to attend!
#34 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 17:20

bhagwan69 schrieb:

SDhawan schrieb:
But Berliner Philharmonie were better.

Sir, you are a very very lucky man - that is the mecca for me. Some Day !!!

I really wish I can go there.
It is a dream for me !
Lucky You !!! :hail

Yes Bhagwan, I was lucky to be at Berlin for 3 & a half day AND attended THREE concerts at Berliner Philharmonie - a musical pilgrimage And all three concerts in A category seats

Click here for some pictures of Berlin !

And here's the mecca - Berliner Philharmonie !
#35 erstellt: 24. Jul 2007, 20:49

Kamal schrieb:

even met Mr.Nagra many years ago, he thought I was crazy

Why did he think so?
My comment re live concerts vs playback systems was primarily because we tend to bench mark HiFi agnst live performances;the experience is so difft that there's really no point to it-in a live there are so many sensory inputs vs only the auditory one in playback; then, its onlyin live that one gets to relish the true timbre of the instruments,the natural balance of the notes and their intensity,we see the passion & ecstasy on the performers faces .
In a rock concert you experience the ear splitting dynamics, the sheer energy of the performers & the ecstatic response of the audience, you hear music while its being made!
Which playback system can give you all that?
Yet, one must have a decent system, so that you can savour performances of musicians who are no more, of events which one possibly cannot attend.
But, when an opportunity like this one presents itself, its a moral& musical duty to attend!

very good electronics engineer,he was a very old at the time and quite unwell too, I was the over enthusiastic kid with 500 brand names on my fingertips; and he thought that concepts of vertical staging were figments of imagination on my part.As for live v/s playback, having been a concert goer for many many years I understand the limitations involved thoroughly, hence the word essense, like a mango essesnce is not a real mango, it only captures some flavour but nowhere the experience of the real fruit. The best audio essence I have come across captures 10% of the live performance at best.
Regards Deaf.
#36 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 04:15

Kamal schrieb:

BTW - I never knew you had auditioned the Isis -
Superb. You should write a seperate thread on that. I am so dying to hear that !!!

Actually, they were okay shokay;
I thought that the Bose 901's(which you also have applauded) sounded better....

Kamal, stop making a joke about this, have you really listenined to the Isis ? I am asking a serious question ? I hold it in very high regard, have not had a chance to audition it as yet, so if you have please do write a detailed report on it, or let me know via p.m.
#37 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 04:21

This is the picture you should have put up.

[Beitrag von bhagwan69 am 25. Jul 2007, 04:22 bearbeitet]
#38 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 04:35

Kamal schrieb:
some Baithaks too!

This I long to attend;
I will call on you the next time I am in ND. Would it be possible for you to sneak me into one of them ? Please. Without P.A. i.e. Thanks.
#39 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 06:48
Actually, the season for hindustani classical music concerts in Delhi commences end sept/oct.
Will try to ascertain program & inform you then.
#40 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 10:43

Kamal schrieb:
Guys, words cannot describe what it is like hearing music live w/o amplification of any kind-It was even better than hearing music on Avalon Isis Spkrs!

Actually, they were okay shokay;
I thought that the Bose 901's(which you also have applauded) sounded better....

Kamal, you lucky man, you must tell me where you heard these speakers. Someone in Delhi has them? I've heard so many good things about Avalon speakers, I have to hear them.

However your experience with them seems to be rather on the contrary. Do elaborate. What electronics were used? The sound? The room?
#41 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 11:56
Here are some more images:

#42 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 13:28
Loverly Snaps - Doc !!

I am amazed with the quality of the pictures too;
Very well clicked.
I am amazed though, they let you take your camera into the auditorium, besides you also have snaps of you when the performance is under way !! That is very nice indeed, but strange none the less.
I have never been allowed to take my camera in, and even if it went in, we could not click when the artists were on the stage; I guess Doctors get special permission !! Sorry, just making a joke.
But truly doc, the snaps are really very very nice and clear. Ani care to comment ?

Thanks for sharing them.
#43 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 17:51
Hi !

You could take camera inside but were not allowed to click while they played music. These were clicked just after they finished performance - during the applause time - but deliberately in a way that they appear performing.

I have clicked RAW+Basic JPEG images and what you see here are the basic JPEG. RAW are even more amazing.

Having been to Berlin Philharmonie, I couldn't have come back with a visual memory.

Thanks for your comments.
#44 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 17:57
Lovely pics, Sanjay!
BTW, what are those long incurving rectangular things( not the rectangular lights) hanging above the orchestra in the last pic?

[Beitrag von Kamal am 25. Jul 2007, 18:02 bearbeitet]
#45 erstellt: 25. Jul 2007, 18:24
Those are speaker panels. It was partly amplified for rear seats.
#46 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 04:49
Ah yes,

The Berliner Philharmonie is one of the modern concert halls with seating surrounding the performance stage. New concepts in interior acoustics - work sometimes, and sometimes not. Hence, the speaker array to infill sound to the further balconies not receiving enough reflected sound (due to lack of reflecting surfaces)!

#47 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 05:20
Nice pictures Doc. It was nice for you to shoot in RAW too, you can get much more in terms of contrast and colour from them. Impeccable time of yours do make the viewer believe that the shots were taken while performing. Great job

#48 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 05:43
Dr Saab,
Pics 2 and 3 are very good..especially the sky in 3.

How did you manage the exposure ? lighting is not exactly friendly and Flash would not work in that area !
#49 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 06:43
Those are real picture postcard images Doc. WOW!!
#50 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 06:45

Shahrukh schrieb:
Those are real picture postcard images Doc. WOW!!

You are in the AD Line;
You would know best !!
#51 erstellt: 26. Jul 2007, 07:33
Thanks friends for liking the picture !

Photography is my other passion and I have been playing with the cameras for last 12 years, therefore, I know a thing or two.

Yes, no flash was used for indoor shots. I used spot metering on the artists to get correct exposure.

You may like to see more photos at:

Although there were speaker arrays & some microphones suspended in the air & some directed towards the audience too, but what I could hear was only the direct sound. Great acoustics.

[Beitrag von SDhawan am 26. Jul 2007, 08:06 bearbeitet]
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