Canton '80 produktion: Titan oder Alu-Mangan Hochtöner

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#1 erstellt: 12. Mai 2008, 10:43
Guten tag
I hope you accept international users talking english.
I am a fan of Taunussound and in particular I love 80's 3 way closed cabinet Canton production.
I still own a pair of Canton Quinto 530 and I love her open-deep image sound.
I wanted try the after Quinto production with the 12cm cone Mitteltöner (like CT 800/1000, Ergo P or Karat 60 models) and I noticed that they mount different material Hochtöner: CT and Ergo Titan, Karat and all the past models Alu-Mangan.

Please, somebody had the chance to compare them?
What are the differences in sound quality?

If you like reply in deutsch too, I have difficult to translate from english to german, but from german to english is a lot easier.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Mit Freundlichen Grüßen.


[Beitrag von zigo am 12. Mai 2008, 12:05 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 14. Mai 2008, 21:19
Canton had upgraded the elder models from the 80th by changing the tweeters, which had sounded all around a little bit sharp and aggressive. So that was the favorite Canton-sound in the past.

The newer series of the 90th are sounding smoother ... and less cats had falling down from their scratch-trees ... good reference, I mean !

See similiar differences with the Heco Superior tweeters !
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