Looking for Canton Quinto 540 units

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#1 erstellt: 10. Jun 2012, 12:48
Hello everybody,

Sorry I'm writing in English on this German forum. But I am desperatly for the 'mitteltoners' and tweeters for my Quinto 540. I need 2 midrange units and 1 tweeter.
Canton Mitteltöner 1188 (2 x)
Canton Tweeter 3824 (ein mall)

I hope someone here can help me, thanks in advance!!

Best regards,
Christian Hoedeman
die Niederlande
#2 erstellt: 11. Jun 2012, 11:00
Nobody? Maybe because of the match of next wednesday? haha
#3 erstellt: 11. Jun 2012, 12:02
Take a look

#4 erstellt: 13. Jun 2012, 10:41

be sure most of german user in Hifi-Forum are firm with english language. And well - the german thunderstorm will come over the Elftal today in the evening

Contact the CANTON service via phone/email - they are well known for best service in Germany.

;-) Detlef
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