Samsung OSD Failure

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#1 erstellt: 12. Aug 2006, 20:03
Sorry that i opend a new topic,

i can't read German i'm sorry.

i have the same problem with my tv LE40R71B
i already have my mainboard replaced but that has no effect.

is somebody able to figure out what te couse of this problem is ?

because i want Samsung to swap or upgrade i dont want this tv anymore it's 3 weeks old and this will be the second time for repair.

here are the pictures.

thnx in advance !

regards AiKoiN

[Beitrag von AiKoiN am 12. Aug 2006, 20:04 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 13. Aug 2006, 00:35
here's the thread covering this topic:

It's definitely heat-related. Samsung seems to have fixed the heat-sensitive mainboard parts and did replace most mainboards which suffered from this effect.


[Beitrag von Fudoh am 13. Aug 2006, 13:05 bearbeitet]
#3 erstellt: 14. Aug 2006, 12:03
ok so it is a heat problem,

and a firmware update.

i will call samsung and hope for a second repair or swap.

thnx in advance i let you know.

so the cpu from the mainbord is getting to hot and you wil get some artifects from the teletext and the osd so nothing is damaged ?


AiKoiN aka Ronald
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