RCM Detonation DT 80

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#1 erstellt: 13. Jul 2006, 21:21
Hello, I came across here because I wanted to know a thing about Detonation DT 80 active module for sub. I feel sorry and I excuse with everyone because I'm writing in english.
But I didn't know where to ask about rcm amplifier.

I have the DT 80, and when it's on I hear a light hum. It doesn't come from the speaker, but from the amplifier itself. Is it normal?

thank you very much.

[Beitrag von gunnet am 13. Jul 2006, 21:28 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 00:07
hum is not normal.Please check Cable from Amp to DT80.

If it does not work,how is the connection to DT80?High input(Speaker) or Low Input(Line)?

At your own Risk,you can test and isolate the Ground from Power Cable with Tape.

MfG Markus
#3 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 07:15
it's ok that you are writing english.
It is possible that the power source is the source of your light hum. transformers can course a light hum in some situation. It is possible that nothing will happen and your device will work safe and steady. But it is also possible that your detonation is defect. In order to be sure you should send it to rcm.

please excuse my bad english

greetz Tim
#4 erstellt: 14. Jul 2006, 12:41
I'm using high level input and output. But I think it's the same with low level. The hum, wich is light and you can't hear when the music is on, there is also when the source is off.

I'll try to change the power cable maybe it's faulty...
and then I will contact the seller for replacement...
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#5 erstellt: 15. Jul 2006, 09:43

gunnet schrieb:
The hum, wich is light and you can't hear when the music is on, there is also when the source is off.

In this fact it is almost for certain that the hum is coming straightly from your transformer.
In some amps the transformers are not adequate mounted or it has some loosely windings, so you can hear the hum caused by the line voltage.
#6 erstellt: 02. Aug 2006, 16:02
is it in someway dangerous? you know I want to sleep secure....
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#7 erstellt: 02. Aug 2006, 19:16
No, it isn't dangerous at all.
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