HIFI-FORUM » Do it yourself » Lautsprecher » Subwoofer » Subwoofer amp question | |
Subwoofer amp question+A -A |
Autor |
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Neuling |
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erstellt: 12. Okt 2004, |
Sorry for writing in English,ich bin Håkan aus Uppsala,Schweden, ich kann Deutsch lesen aber es zu schriben ist viel zu schwer für mich und sie vollen vielicht an mir Lachen und sie vollen natürlich nichts verstehen, wass ich ihr fragen wollte???? ![]() So please feel free to answer in German, ich will die antwort verstehe... After three years of work, I´m begínning to see the end of my High-End loudsprecher projekt; each channel Eton ER4 two Thiel& Partner C79, one C220, Volt RV3143 (12" wooofer) Active crossover 80Hz and 275, passive between mid and tweeter. Cabinets are three per channel, bass encloseurs weights about 100 kg each(total 175kg/channel) , and is made of a lot of different materials, the boxes for the 8 inch and the boxes for the two 3.5 inch units are "fünfeckig" to make things worse ![]() My question is, can I drive the two woofers (12-inch) with one Thel Accusound-Pro amplifier , maybe with a stabilized power supply and a big transformer, at least 800 VA. I throw my eyes on the new capacitors sold by Mundorf and even Thel,as well. So is it better to put the money on a huge power supply and just one modul, or is it better to use two Accusound amp modules each with their own power supplies? Or, do you have any other suggestion for a very good subwoofer amplifier. Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to read any response from you! |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 12. Okt 2004, |
Hi Tolvan, I moved your post to the DIY section, as I believe there will be more knowledged people here to answer your question... |
Neuling |
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erstellt: 12. Okt 2004, |
Danke schön! ![]() |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 13. Okt 2004, |
hi one of these two would be my choice (if i could afford them ![]() ![]() May be a "little bit"oversized ![]() |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 14. Okt 2004, |
Hello Tolvan! Thel Accusound is a very good solution for a subwoofer amp. As alternative i would recommend T+A PA 1530 R (taelektroakustik.de); full accurate bass at sufficient power output. regards Marko |
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