Sony CMT-SD1

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#1 erstellt: 28. Jun 2007, 16:37

habe noch eine kleine anlage sony cmd-sd1.Leider rauscht es wenn die lautsärke verstellt wird.Was kann das sein?

Falls man diese anlage in jetzigen zustand verkaufen möchte,was wäre diese noch wert?

bitte um ehrliche antworten

danke+gruß indi1971

[Beitrag von indi1971 am 28. Jun 2007, 16:41 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 30. Jun 2007, 07:11

You do NOT have a Sony CMD-SD1 because it doesn't exist.

Your picture shows a CMT-SD1 where the CD/Tuner/Amplifier is HCD-SD1.

You don't say much about the noise. Does it come from BOTH speakers or only ONE?
If it emits from both speakers most likely the electronic sound processor IC is defective. It's a Mitsubishi M62428 SMD-chip which isn't easily replaced without special SMD soldering sools and skills.
If it emits from ONE speaker it may still be the sound processor IC but it may also be that one output amplifier is defective. The output amplifier IC's are LM3876 chips more easily replaced because they are not SMD-components.
In any case no easy repair if you're not used to work with electronics.

Value before repair = 0

Value after repair who knows. Probably less than the cost of repair. The sound processor IC is around 80-Euro alone.

If you want the Service Manual PM me with your e-mail address.

Kind regards,

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