Magnat Monitor Supreme 2002 vs Numan Reference 801 or? (500€/pair budget)

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#1 erstellt: 01. Jul 2018, 00:08
Hi guys, first of all I'm italian, so I'm writing this in english, a language that I can speak well instead of german. I'm using real time Google Translator to understand and searching around this forum to find more informations about of what speakers I could buy with max. 500€/pair, so I would know what you think it's the best between these two sets, or if there are other products I should look into it.

After many hours of researching and reading I came to the conclusion that the best bang for the bucks are the Magnat Monitor Supreme 2002 or the Numan Reference 801, especially with the prices that we have on the italian market, which is not very accommodating

You can answer me in german, I will translate then, thank you anyway for your input.
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 01. Jul 2018, 13:55
Italien = Indiana Line (in diesem Preisbereich)
#3 erstellt: 01. Jul 2018, 13:59
I just don't like them enough to buy that set honestly, that's why I'm going on the german side of the market

[Beitrag von jimmix93 am 01. Jul 2018, 14:17 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#4 erstellt: 01. Jul 2018, 14:16

jimmix93 (Beitrag #1) schrieb:
After many hours of researching and reading ....

did you land in china ...
#5 erstellt: 02. Jul 2018, 22:20
Definitely Numan Reference
#6 erstellt: 02. Jul 2018, 23:13
Thank you, I'm going to pull the trigger ASAP and I'll update you then with my first impressions
#7 erstellt: 03. Jul 2018, 08:13
Good luck!
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 07. Nov 2018, 12:49

soundpaar (Beitrag #5) schrieb:
Definitely Numan Reference

Did you get the Numans?
What is your impression?
#9 erstellt: 07. Nov 2018, 13:07
soundpaar ist nicht aus Italien, mit dem kannst du auf Deutsch kommunizieren
Ist häufiger hier
#10 erstellt: 07. Nov 2018, 13:30
Sorry, hab den falschen Beitrag zitiert

jimmix93 (Beitrag #6) schrieb:
Thank you, I'm going to pull the trigger ASAP and I'll update you then with my first impressions ;)

Did you get the Numans? How do they perform?
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