Vintage Activ Speakers.

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#1 erstellt: 02. Sep 2006, 01:24
Hello, sorry for using english but my German is really basic...

I'm going to buy old-school, vintage hi-fi for my father as a birthday present and i'm thinking about some active system....

I have a choice beetwen Grundig Aktiv Box an some Philips MFB.
Which are better? And the most important question: how relible these kind of speakers are and what about components/separe parts? I it possible to buy them and how expensive they are?
At the moment i can buy some Grundig ActivBox 40 but the tweeters are non original...

And what do you think about Grundig Box M600?

What preamp would you recommend? If i couldn't find decent one is it possible to run with normal amp or some integra???

And one other question....
I don't know much about old hi-fi so what about using cd-player with vintage amplifiers - with PHONO or AUX?
Does it affects quality very much?

I would be glad for any replies...

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#2 erstellt: 02. Sep 2006, 10:26
#3 erstellt: 02. Sep 2006, 11:02

The Grundig active speakers are really good. I have some Aktivbox 30 Professional and they are great!
Unfortunately the original Grundig tweeters are rare, so they are quite expensive on Ebay.
I've also had a pair of Philips active speakers (don't know which ones) - they were also good, but I didn't like them es much as the Grundigs

Don't connect your CD- player to phono: there is a built- in pre amplifier for the phono signal. Any others are possible.
#4 erstellt: 02. Sep 2006, 11:51
the philips are very good, too...
but i don't have a comparison between the mfb and the grundigs, since i never heard the grundig..
the great advantage of the mfb is the motional feedback, that means the electronic controlls the motion of the bass-membrane and so the bass is very clean an deep, althogh the box is quite small..
i think the mfb are very "correct", and are good for classical music, every audio-band is very clear and accurate, the bass, the mids and the highs..
what is missing is the fun of hearing, the loudspeakers have a very linear frequency response, as i think, and are not sounded...
for rock and modern music in general i would recommend other speakers, maybe the grundig..but maybe you can tune the controlls a bit, so that they would be "funny" too, i don't know, i only know, that you can adjust them very well...

ps:i'm talking about the philips mfb 544, i have no idea about the other types...

i hope you understood what i was writing down, i'm not a "english-specialist";)

[Beitrag von chilman am 02. Sep 2006, 11:54 bearbeitet]
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#5 erstellt: 03. Sep 2006, 18:55
Thank you VERY much for answering....!!!
Maybe i'll got some other questions about vintage hi-fi some time later...

i hope you understood what i was writing down, i'm not a "english-specialist"


all the best,

[Beitrag von muhmaku am 03. Sep 2006, 19:01 bearbeitet]
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