What is it?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 21. Aug 2008, 20:44
What do You know about this amplifier? Is it a regular high power amplifier, or hifi, maybe high end? The layout seems to be typical, with some well-forged areas, but nothing so special. I got one some weeks ago and now testing what it knows.
Anyway, what is Wangine, what kind of company?
The spectrum analyzer is beautiful :-)
#2 erstellt: 21. Aug 2008, 20:46

didyman schrieb:
What do You know about this amplifier? Is it a regular high power amplifier, or hifi, maybe high end? The layout seems to be typical, with some well-forged areas, but nothing so special. I got one some weeks ago and now testing what it knows.
Anyway, what is Wangine, what kind of company?
The spectrum analyzer is beautiful :-)

My bad german :-) Anyone moderator, this thread may be unneeded.
Hat sich gelöscht
#3 erstellt: 21. Aug 2008, 21:18
Moin didyman,

Wangine was/is a Korean company that made lots of OEM.

In Germany Renkforce and, I think, MC- Voice were two names they were given by "Völkner-" and "Conrad-" Elektronik.

I only know two or three amps an one taperecorder.

The units were not expensive, but had heavy cabinets and interesting technical data.
(but a lot was not real data, I think)

Some people in the late eighties to early nineties "tuned" the apmlifiers because they had a good power stage.
(but too small caps and transformer, as well as small heatsinks)

The preamp was not good and there steadyly was some noise.
(in German- Rauschen)

That´s all I know.

Best regards,


[Beitrag von rorenoren am 21. Aug 2008, 21:25 bearbeitet]
#4 erstellt: 23. Aug 2008, 12:35
Thank You Your answer! It's now even clear.
I have done a high power test, so the values written on its datasheet semms to be a bit overestimated, but anyway, sounds big. It has 5A fuses in the power lines for each channel and each supply, that for this design, estimate power up to 200W.
I don't mention the preamp, as this unit has no separated preamp-Or do You think about the input stage of the power amplifier? That one sounds deaf in my speakers, as typical for an end-amplifier, a scope would make sense, but i am lazy to set it up for now.. :-)
Anyway, sound is not bad at all. I have an own built complementary FET amplifier, with switchmode FETs, driven by regular transistors and having well-balanced temperature compensation and feedback shared between input and after the first stage. This one has a good sound that assured me in the past 10 years.
This Wangine also seems to be a good option. It has Sanken power stage, dual-complementary devices packed in one case, well formed input stage and a comprehensive protection circuit. I will surely recap the whole unit, replace the relays, clean out dirt and refine cables and see if its up to the challenge. Until then, i am very interested in how this amplifier performs, who has also one and what about its sound. I have a friend who may give his Phase Linear PL400 for this amp, and i think that would be a good business, i have repaired that unit and fallen in love with exept those bulky opamps..
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