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Monacor XRAY

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#51 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 19:42
It works like a basstrap in a studio, but inside the box, to damp down cavity resonances of the cabinet itself.

I would simply clue the tubes in place with hotmelt or similar (PUR, Silicone......).

Best Regards

#52 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 19:59
Thank you for your fast answer !
The tubes are empty or with insulating inside? do you no the diameter and the lenght? There are closes or vented both sides?

Thank you so mutch for you'r answer !

Best regards

Hat sich gelöscht
#53 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 20:15
Hi Tud,

some basics about the Helmholtz-resonator and a calculator as well.
It's a kind of acustical swamp, that eleminates a selected band of frequencies.
The amplitude or bandwith is defined by construction, the more the resonator is in the shape of a sphere, it only works at a dedicated frequencie.
Any other form will damp a wider spectrum- which is no issue when using it internal in a box as an absorber.
#54 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 20:29
The tubes are 500mm long and diameter is 50mm.
Both sides are open at first. Inside each tube shall be a stripe of "Sonofil?" 50x500mm .
It's a white syntetic wool.
Hotmelt seems the best choice to fix the tubes. Silicone can be risky because of the vapor of ethyl. It' s possible that the speakers might be damaged.
While building the cabinets the tubes are fixed that one side is closed by a peace of the wooden ring inside the box.
Sorry for my bad english

E: grammatics

[Beitrag von NHDsilkwood am 28. Jan 2016, 20:30 bearbeitet]
#55 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 20:59
Thanks Kinodehemm and NHDsilkwood for your explanation !

I realy understanding now I will go visit about the Helmholtz-resonator

The Helmholtz it's not for amplified bass, its for select and eliminate bad frequencies.

And the tubes are perforated of small hole (like drainage tube) ?

Frank.Kuhl show's 2 graphics names "Chassis Im Gehäuse ohne Weiche " and "Chassis Im Gehäuse mit Weiche"...what the defference between them because the second is more efficient !

Thank you again !
#56 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 21:12
The graphics are showing how the speaker normally works in the box and what is changed by the crossover.

I'm not sure if the perforation is necessary. And no. not the absorbers are perforated. It's the tube which connects the moving air inside the box with the air outside. The perforations had been made to reduce the ...
i can't explain. It's too dificult for me.

[Beitrag von NHDsilkwood am 28. Jan 2016, 21:24 bearbeitet]
#57 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 21:23
Thank's NHDsilkwood !
#58 erstellt: 28. Jan 2016, 21:33

Tud_France (Beitrag #57) schrieb:
Thank's NHDsilkwood !

You are welcome. Within the years i am a user here so many others tried to help and helped me. I can't remember how many times i've asked. And every question was answered. So many inspirations found here. If i'm able to help just a little bit i'll try...

good luck and don't forget, we're pic addicted
#59 erstellt: 26. Nov 2016, 09:14
Thanks for your last anwser.
Do you think a box with 2 sph175hq it's possible (TMM) ? One will be cut like the X-ray and one at 500hz. The cabinet can be at 63 liters (100*23*40) with a tube at 10cm for the bassreflex.
Do you think it can be OK?
Thanks !

Greettings from France !
#60 erstellt: 26. Nov 2016, 10:28
This would be a totally new loudspeaker and has nothing to do with the X ray. Please make a new thread for it
Ist häufiger hier
#61 erstellt: 18. Jan 2018, 18:00
Hallo Leute,
ich habe im Kundenauftrag eine X-Ray komplett aufgebaut und konnte sie ausgiebig Probe hören und vergleichen.

Ich werde dazu einen eigenen Threat aufmachen, der vielleicht den ein oder anderen interessiert.

Hier schon mal ein Foto von den Schmuckstückchen.

Monacor X-Ray
Hat sich gelöscht
#62 erstellt: 18. Jan 2018, 20:23
Sehr schön und ich bin gespannt!
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