X ray 2.5

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 26. Nov 2016, 19:41
Hy every body,

Excuse my poor english...

The project will be with 2 SPH175HQ in TMM.
I calculated the volume for this box arround 63 liters (100*40*23 in MDF 2.2cm).

The same componement of the X-ray.

The second SPH175 HQ will be cut at 500Hz (3,9mH)

This project can work?

#2 erstellt: 27. Nov 2016, 10:19
Sorry, this would not work.

If you want a second SPH175HQ in your box, you have to revise the whole Crossover.

My advice:
Look for a Speaker like Samuel HQ, Quintessenz 2.5 or ER18MTM (in english).
#3 erstellt: 27. Nov 2016, 15:01
Hi tudi,

You See the Same words i sent you via message.
Becuase you already have 2sph 175 hq think about the Samuel HQ
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