DIY Planar magnetic fullrange loudspeaker

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#1 erstellt: 12. Jan 2019, 00:21
Hi i am new to the forum and excuse me for using English.
My name is Joppe and i am your neighbor from the Netherlands but my German unlike some, is really bad. Actually non excisting (even when my ex girl friend for 8 years is German ).

I wanted to take a look at the DIY forums in other countries that are bigger then NL, thats most of the countries haha. So i will use google translate and my limited skills to read German myself and write in English if thats fine with you guys ?

I am working on mostly exotic loudspeakers and do allot of trial and error tests on different designs, like

AMT, Planar magnetic, ESL, EAP, Rubanoides, and some DML's

well so much for the small introduction.

This is a project i was working on last year and maybe want to make a commercial/open source thing out of it in the future, but for now this is what i made.

A fullrange planar magnetic that plays from 55hz-17-18Khz (at least V1)

Planar magnetic fullrange WX-130
Planar magnetic fullrange WX-130 backside
Planar magnetic fullrange WX-130 side
Planar magnetic fullrange WX-130 Wire glue frame
Planar magnetic fullrange WX-130 stretching foil
Magnet JIG

I must be honest the Image system on this forum is terrible.... adding one picture at a time... not working for me so i tried to upload the most importend ones.

further i got allot of video about the building process as well as it playing music

Latest recording with a zoom h4n Xy recorder :

Building videos and even more playing music in earlier stages. (complete playlist)

from making the panel to casting the feet.

I would love to give some more details and or pictures, but uploading them one by one is gone take forever.

[Beitrag von WrineX am 12. Jan 2019, 00:29 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 13. Jan 2019, 14:13
Oh, cool. I get so stuck in analysis paralysis that I seldom actually get anything started, so your videos are always fascinating
#3 erstellt: 13. Jan 2019, 20:53
yeah well i got the same... but i try to just build and try although im thinking about stuff 90% of the day.
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