Grundig A5000 left channel noise

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#1 erstellt: 13. Mai 2014, 20:28
Hello, I have Grundig A5000. I have a problem with left channel. When plays music, the left channel makes noise, cracking...But nly at start listening. So I opened it and check solder connections and re-solder all transistors to be sure. I pu it back together. I turned it ON, the left channel didnt work, almost no sound and after one, two switched on/off, the left channel is back to its original state.. makes little cracking... But only in the beginning listening... After a few minutes or an hour the musc sounds goog, I think..

Anyone have an idea, please? Possible bad transistors...?

Here is the link on youtube:

And this is worst case, loud cracking from left channel:

[Beitrag von lubomir.germany am 13. Mai 2014, 23:28 bearbeitet]
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