Accuphase e-204 [english]

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#1 erstellt: 13. Aug 2018, 08:01
Accuphase E-204

I believe the relay switch on my E-204 has died.

A while ago it stopped working for a week (no relay click as it powered on, assume it was the relay).
It worked again for a while again, but is back to not working (power up, red button lights up but no relay click, nothing does anything
Before the (probably) relay issue, I had crackle from the volume pot. (and one of the EQs), never got round to fixing it.
Sometimes the volume pot would result in lower volume from one channel than the other. Twisting it fast would fix it.
I have heard that no standard part is made that is compatible with the old relay switch and you have to modify things.

My questions:

A) How much might it be worth to some one interested in repairing it? (I live near Frankfurt am Main and am only interested in some one who can collect it)
B) How much might it cost (at least / certainly not more than) to have a shop repair it (assuming relay and volume pot replacement)

If A is low and B is high I will probably do some research and change the relay and clean the volume pot myself.

If anyone has info at hand about how to deal with the relay change then it would be welcome!

Note: I have never used it with a turntable in the 14-15 years I have owned it, so I don't know anything about the state of those inputs.
#2 erstellt: 13. Aug 2018, 18:24
#3 erstellt: 13. Aug 2018, 18:39
There it is, the pre-out mute relay, marked in the schematic

Accuphase E-204 schematic detail pre-out mute relay
#4 erstellt: 13. Aug 2018, 18:50
Or is your problem at the outputs of power amp channels?
#5 erstellt: 19. Aug 2018, 00:33

That's the one!
Haven't had much time recently but looks like I'll be soldering (assuming it needs soldering) soon!
Thank you very much!

[Beitrag von purrpurrpurr am 19. Aug 2018, 00:38 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 19. Aug 2018, 08:48
I just realize that my Hitachi HA-6800 MOSFET amp had a very similar loudspeaker relay, only that contacts were of type NO (normally open) and for Accuphase E-204 the contacts are of type changeover (or transfer). The difference may only be that one pair of pins is removed in the NO type.

Hitachi HA-6800 protection relais replacement

This is what my "drop-in" replacement required me to do, reusing the solder-points as far as possible. You can see the holes I drilled.

Hitachi HA-6800 protection relais replacement new holes drilled

- Johannes
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