The Advent Loudspeaker

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#1 erstellt: 14. Dez 2007, 19:10

I have a pair of Advent Loudspeakers with defective foam
rings on the woofer made January 6 1976, designed by Henry Kloss with a high frequency control (normal, decrease, extended) on the rear.

The speaker boxes are not in the best of condition I have had them in storage since I moved (7 years) and could not see junking them. Anyone have an idea?

Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 14. Dez 2007, 20:17
Sorry about opening a new thead, I was in (Der "Was ist mein Hifi- Krempel wert?" Thread ) and entered in "neue Umfrage" thinking that I was asking a new question. I guess I should have just went under "antworten"

Again sorry
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