Sanyo JCX 2100LE?

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#1 erstellt: 25. Feb 2006, 03:43
Hello friends.
I´m from sweden and i heard that this is where you can ask expert questions because you guys know a lot about this stuff.
I have an old stereo that i got from my father, and i just love the way it looks, with the silver and the wood and the display with yellow lights and everything. It´s a Sanyo JCX 2100LE with matching cassette deck and record player.
but the question is: is it worth anything? i really don´t know anything about stereos other than that todays stereos doesn´t look good at all. i would never buy one of those.
#2 erstellt: 26. Feb 2006, 12:16
Hi colamange.

It's worth what you Think about it. These models are quite seldom and you find nearly nothing about. I Know, that the receiver is actually in a range of 40-60€, if its near mint.

Sorry, no more informations

Best regards

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