Englisch Hilfe bei Frequenzweiche

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#1 erstellt: 10. Aug 2006, 18:03
Hi, das hier istne englische beschreibung für ne frequenzweiche (und zubehör), könnte mir mal jemand auf deutsch sagen was ich brauche ?

vielen dank!

- 14ga Goertz Foil inductors

- Small gauge air core inductors in parallel where higher dc resistance is needed

- Mills wire wound resistors - 7, 15 (7 ohms in series and 15 ohms in parallel)

- SonicCap Capacitors - Subjective comments,

- Schematic: Surprisingly, it isn't terribly complicated

- Internal cable: I performed many experiments with internal cable in the 1801s. After many experiments I have settled on Goertz 20ga 1:14 flat magnet wire behind the tweeter and 14ga Teflon coated, silver plated copper behind the woofer. I know this choice of woofer cable doesn't sound glamorous, but I couldn't hear any improvement with better cable on the woofer.

- Bi-wire 3-way binding posts rethreaded for brass nuts.

- Port tubes: Double flared port tubes from Precision Sound Products.

- Driver gaskets: I occasionally use gasket material. If the driver flange recess is flat, then it's unnecessary.

- Mounting screws: Black #10 pan head screws for the woofer and black #8 flat head screws for the tweeter

- Good solder: Cardas Quad Eutectic solder from Soniccraft.
#2 erstellt: 10. Aug 2006, 21:00
hallo hans aus d!

du brauchst spulen, kondensatoren und widerstände. mehr steht da leider effektiv nicht.(bassreflexrohre, terminal, schrauben, kabel,...nichts überaschendes also )
nur ein widerstandsteiler ist mit werten benannt: 7 ohm in serie und 15 ohm parallel.
btw: das klingt alles sehr esotherisch...

beste grüsse!
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